Monday, December 31, 2012

Sophie: Adopted From Sosnovoborsk in Krasnoyarsk

Our family of 5 had the pleasure of adopting a beautiful Russian baby girl in October of 2011, making us a perfect and complete family of 6! 

Sophie was in the Sosnovoborsk Baby home#5 in Krasnoyarsk.  We are extremely grateful to the caretakers and director of the orphanage for taking such good care of Sophie before she came into her Forever Family! Not enough attention is ever paid to these women who care for our babies long before we get to hold and love on them.  They told us that Sophie was so easy to take care of.  I would like to give credit for Sophie being such a sweet child to the love and attention her caregivers gave to her.  I can’t imagine how hard it would be to take care of a room full of 20 babies.  To bathe them, feed them, change them and give them any sort of attention it must take a huge heart to do that.  We will be forever grateful for them!

We have been deeply hurt by the news that American families might not ever get to adopt Russian children again. 

Sophie’s entire being has changed since she came into our home.  It’s as if she was given life!  I know she had that full energy and infectious personality inside of her but there was just too many other children to compete with, she just kept it inside because she wouldn’t be noticed!  Not because of neglect, but because there were just so many others to care for.

She has become this child that never stops laughing or smiling!  Everyone she meets wants to learn about her and when we tell her story, it’s encourages other families to look into adopting from Russia.

See, Sophie has become her own advocate.  Each baby, child and teenager needs an advocate to tell the world they need a home.  When you look at Sophie, before and after she was adopted, it is a true testament as to how a loving nurturing family can bring out such a beautiful work of God!
Please consider giving the other children in Russia an opportunity to be loved and nurtured so they  may live a full life and to be given opportunities to achieve their fullest potential!

Thank you,
The Boyd Family
Sophie “Marina” Boyd

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