Saturday, December 29, 2012

Patrick: A 13 Year old Adopted from Krasnoyarsk

Dear President Putin,

    Hi, my name is Patrick McLaughlin and I was born in Krasnoyarsk, Russia. I used to live in an orphanage in Kansk until I was adopted by a great family. I am an adopted Russian who has spent a great quantity of my life, living a dream that would never existed if it wasn’t for Americans to adopt Russian children. I live with two great parents who take care of me and provide me with the education and love which I know a lot of kids don’t have in Russia now. I also am blessed with seven incredible siblings who always make my day, one way or another. Plus three of my siblings are from Russia too, and my parents even went to the next step by getting my biological brother Jack. We are all very smart, healthy, and loved by wonderful parents and that is all you need to fulfill a wonderful life.
    Now Mr. President I have heard you signed a bill that does not allow Americans to adopt Russian kids. As you can see, the adopted Russian kids in America are happier and healthier than the kids that still live in Russian orphanages. All I want is any kind of caring, nice families, who want beautiful children in their life from Russia to be given that opportunity. Mr. Putin, my life has changed in such a positive way I can not start to describe it. All the terrific things I have been able to see, all the new foods I got to try, so please don’t take that opportunity away from families like mine. Mr. Putin, the decision is in your hands you can either bring together nations, families, and cultures or you can throw all of it out of the window where nobody can reach it.
    With Great Thanks,
  Patrick McLaughlin

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