Sunday, December 30, 2012

Anna: A 6 Year Old Girl Adopted from Krasnoyarsk

Dear President Putin, 

I am Anna.  I was born in Russia.  I lived in my crib there.  I wanted somebody to love me but nobody loved me there.  Jesus took care of me.  

One day two people came to see me and I felt happy.  I wanted them to be my Mommy and Daddy.  I wanted them to bring me home then but they couldn't.  I don't understand.  They came to see me again and couldn't take me home.  Then they came and adopted me and brought me home.

I like the food here.  I was always hungry in Russia.  I like my family.  My family loves me and I love them.  I get to be a cheerleader and I like to cheer.  I like Alabama football.  

Can you please let the other Mommies and Daddies adopt the other babies?  I want them to be happy like me.

Anna, age 6
Adopted at age 23 months from Krasnoyarsk, Russia

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