Sunday, December 30, 2012

Lizzy: A 10 Year Old Adopted From Nizhny Novgorod


Dear President Putin,

I am Lizzy McLaughlin.  It is fun at my county.[ U.S.A.]  I like to have fun with my family and friends.  I like to play Hide and Seek, Flashlight Tag, work on the computer, swing in my backyard and play in the snow, of course.

I like to have ice cream with my family.  I like to go to Church.  I like to be on the swim team during the summer and soccer team during the fall.  I like to go on vacations with my family.  I also like to go on field trips with my class and Girl Scout Troop.

Can you let people from U.S.A adopt  Russia kids? Why or why not? I am asking you this question because I am from Russia. 

I wish I could see my brothers in Russia!

A Kid from Russia,

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