Sunday, December 30, 2012

Alina: Adopted From Astrakhan

Those who know our story, know that we have been blessed with the most amazing Russian born daughter. Our adoption process began summer 2006. Alina joined our family FOREVER summer 2007.

I am not in process to adopt again. But I weep for the children left behind.

When we met Alina, we fell in love. She was tiny and frail. I worried. I was a pediatric RN. I had 2 great kids at home. What if......But when we stood in front of Valentina our judge in Astrakhan; we asked and prayed that the court would grant our adoption - they could have said no...We PROMISED to ALWAYS love and cherish their Alina. We promised to provide for ALL of her needs - we didn't know what those might be. And we Thanked them for allowing us the honor of adopting one of their young and vulnerable citizens. These were vows. We did not take them lightly.

Our daughter is the light of our lives. She has the same relationships, the same benefits, the same privileges that our birth sons do. She is thriving in every way. I weep for the families in process; those that don't know when, if, how they will see their babies again. That 7 week period between trip 1 and 2 was the HARDEST thing I have ever done! I truly felt like I had a daughter thousands of miles away. I worried that she was alone, cold, hungry. I worried that someone else would come along a realize what a doll she was. I worried that Russia would change their mind about adoption. I thank God everyday for bringing her into our lives and for Russia allowing us the privilege of being her mom and dad.

U.S. Mama to a Russian Princess

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